Until a bridge is built from the main land, shipping a car to Hawaii is going to remain one of the biggest concerns for people who are making a move to the islands. Though most people understand that shipping a car to Hawaii requires it to be put on a boat and moved there, few people really understand how to facilitate this process. Luckily for people who have these shipping needs, quite a few auto transport companies specialize in helping you get your car out to the islands. There are many questions that need to be answered on this for those folks who are serious about shipping to Hawaii.
How Do Companies Set Shipping a Car to Hawaii Up?
When you are shipping a car to Hawaii, you have some different options from the beginning. Many companies will offer to ship a car from one of the major ports in San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, or any other big West Coast city. For folks who live on the West Coast and need this service, shipping directly from one of these cities is one of the best ways to save money. For people who don’t live on the West Coast, there are companies that will provide door to door service when shipping a car to Hawaii. They will pick the car up at your home, and ship it to one of these ports before sending it across the ocean.
As you might expect, shipping a car to Hawaii is much more expensive when you have to have the car shipped to the West Coast initially. Taking car shipping quote comparisons of companies who offer this service is a must at the beginning, because the prices will vary greatly depending upon which company you use.
How Much Does the Process Cost?
Some people might think that shipping car to Hawaii has an almost prohibitive cost, but this really is not the case. Though it is certainly not cheap, decent deals can be found if you will explore many of the sites and take quotes to compare against one another. Many people have been able to ship their car to the islands for as little as $1,000. This price, of course, depends upon how quickly you need the car and how much it weighs. Because of the weight factor and how important it is when you ship a car to Hawaii, the shipping companies advise people to remove all items from their vehicle, leave the fuel tank close to empty, and remove the spare tire in some instances.
How Long Does It Take?
The process of shipping to Hawaii can take quite a while, depending upon the season and how busy a company is during that period. Some companies promise to have the job done in as little as three weeks, while other companies ask that you allow more than a month for the shipping to be completed. This process moves much more quickly when you actually ship the car directly from one of the west coast ports, as opposed to shipping it across country to begin with.
When it comes to shipping a car to Hawaii, there are lots of solid companies competing for your business. Finding out more about these companies, their quotes, and their services is just the start to the process if you are serious about shipping a car to Hawaii. To get started, fill out the form at the top of the page to get your free quotes now!